Dear colleagues, partners, friends,
We are delighted to invite you to join us for the 2nd edition of the Pediatric Exercise Oncology Congress. This is the second international congress focusing on physical activity and exercise for children and adolescents during and after cancer treatment. We are happy to announce that this new format will take place for FREE on April 20th, 2023 in a virtual meeting. Join us on the mission to connect the exercise research community in pediatric oncology, to exchange experience, and increase visibility of this important field. This interactive congress is organized by the University Hospital Essen (a part of the Network ActiveOncoKids), the Health and Wellness Lab of the University of Calgary, and the iPOEG Network and will bring together scientists from all over the world.
Please see the attached agenda, and visit the EventBrite page for more information and to register.
Note, once you register, you will be sent an email from “EventBrite”. If you click on the “view the event” orange button near the top of the email, you will be directed to sign in for EventBrite. Once signed in, go to the ‘my tickets’ icon at the top of the page, and the Zoom link for the 2nd annual PEOC meeting will be there! The Zoom link will be the same for all sessions.
We will also send you reminders about the event, once you are registered, in the days prior.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you in April.
Dr. Miriam Götte & Dr. Nicole Culos-Reed
The 2nd Pediatric Exercise Oncology Congress is an international event dedicated exclusively on physical activity and exercise in childhood cancer patients and survivors. It will take place on April 20th, 2023 as an interactive virtual online meeting.
The conference is a unique opportunity for exercise physiologists, researchers, physiotherapists, exercise scientists, oncologists, and others who work in the field of Pediatric Exercise Oncology to meet and discuss advances in this field of research.
Covered topics will include physical activity and exercise in childhood cancer patients and survivors, health benefits of exercise, physical activity opportunities for patients and survivors during COVID-19 pandemic and translating research findings into practice.
The 2nd international Pediatric Exercise Oncology Congress is organized by Network ActiveOncoKids, University Hospital Essen, University of Calgary, and the iPOEG network.
We are looking forward to seeing you online in April 2023.